Hi again.

So, long time no see.

It’s been about a year-and-a-half since I’ve posted to this blog (and more than two years since my very first blog post!). Unsurprisingly, a lot has changed in that time. 

First, some general housekeeping, as per usual:

  • Turns out biweekly blog posts aren’t sustainable for me now that we are no longer on strict lockdown and I’m actually going outside again. As such, I will be posting as and when I feel like it, which will likely be about once per month. No one needs to hear from me more frequently than that, anyway. (And if you do, I promise I’ll call you back soon, mom!!)

  • The post topics will remain the same, but please do shoot me a note if you have any particular ideas you’d like to see covered. 

  • No more separate newsletter! It became too unwieldy to format two types of content so you’ll just have to tune in here instead. 

And now for the updates!

Personal stuff

My partner and I adopted a kitten in January! Her name is Jiji and she is a consistent delight. Here is photo from the week she came home and a photo of her now. (Plus a bonus candid.) Not to be dramatic, but I would actually die for her.

We also moved apartments last summer and have much more space (and light!) now. It has been a true blessing. 

A sunlit bedroom.

More cooking, bien sûr.

And more adventures, both big and small.

Also, I started grad school. 

Zoom classroom.

In class, featuring Soledad O’Brien!

Student sitting in a hotel room, looking at a laptop.

Attending class while on vacation and clearly thrilled about it.

Professional stuff

I got a new job back in April! I’m still at Harvard, but I am now at the Division of Continuing Education writing blogs for DCE’s three brands and developing content strategy.

My Instagram story the day of Harvard Extension School’s Commencement this summer.

AAJA New England also elected me as president for 2023 and I am emotional and excited and thrilled beyond words. It means the world to me to serve the community that has been such a source of inspiration and encouragement in the early stages of my career. We have exciting plans in the works and I absolutely cannot wait to see them take off. 

An AAJA New England event earlier this month, hosted by the Boston Globe. (I’m all the way in the back, standing on a sofa.)

The freelance arm of my career is continuing to grow and I’m looking forward to sharing what I’ve learned in the past year with you all! For now, here’s some of the pieces I’ve written:

Most of the images in this post come from my Instagram, so come by and say hi!

And as always, thanks for being here with me. I am beyond grateful for everything.


Perfectionism is bad, actually.